Friday, June 25, 2010

A Long-Overdue Rant

Well, everyone else seems to have a blog, and so.....why not me?

I've had this Blogger account for several years now, and it has been mostly dormant for at least the last two.

I think blogging will give me an outlet to a) discuss my thought more in-depth than is possible on other social networking sites, and b) express thoughts that I may want to share without posting them directly onto any of my profiles on other sites.

So, this first blog will turn into a bit of a rant, and I expect to feel much better once I've said all that I've been holding back over the past few months.  Many of these topics will concern posting to Social Networking Sites.

1:  BP & the oil spill:
Yep, it sucks.  Do I care that the sand isn't "pretty" anymore?  Nope.  Do I mind that many Pensacola residents might now have to find alternate entertainment?  Not a bit!  Does it bother me that all those wealthy people living on the beach might now have lower property values?!  I DO care about the huge impact this is having on the local environment, aquatic vegetation, and local wildlife.  I DO care about the loss of income from fishing and tourism.  I DO care that years and years of political pressure (largely from Republicans, but not entirely) have held the government back from placing stronger regulation on the oil industry within U.S. borders.  Am I boycotting BP?  Well, no.....I wasn't a BP customer before all of this mess.  Besides, boycotting BP isn't going to change the world.....just read this interesting article to see what I'm talking about.

2: People who whine about the oil spill:
Yes, this needed a separate listing.  You see, it has come to my attention that many of the people I see whining about this environmental disaster are whining about the wrong issues.  Sure, they may CARE about the impact to industry, tourism, and wildlife.....but that's not what they SAY.  They SAY things like "I went to the beach today, and it just wasn't very pretty anymore!" or "If I can't go to the beach, what else am I going to do all summer?" or "But the beach is the only entertainment I have!" or (and this one is a doozy) "But, how am I going to get a TAN?!?!"  So, regardless of what these people might be thinking in the backs of their minds about the impact of the oil spill, they are showing the world that what matters most to them is how it might negatively impact the non-essential parts of their lives!  In the end, they sound selfish.....and it is selfishness that led to lax standards on the oil companies (safety is expensive), downplayed the importance of developing alternate energy solutions (technology is expensive), and created this whole mess in the first place!  So, now what?  Well, if you think the beach is ugly, volunteer to aid in some sort of clean-up efforts.  If you need entertainment, try READING (if you are literate) or go explore one of the fascinating museums Pensacola has to offer or, what the heck, go help support one of those locally-owned businesses still trying to operate within blocks of what is normally a thriving beach!  And, if you "need" a tan (i.e. you WANT to look like an expensive Italian handbag by the time you're 35), try putting on your bikini and going out in your's Florida.....the sun kinda shines everywhere.

3: Partying parents:
Now, I know that lots of people like to go out and party and have a good time with friends.....and there's no reason that you can't still do these things after you have children.  HOWEVER, if you are a parent and you go party EVERY weekend, leaving your child with family or babysitters, you just ought to be shot.  Of course it's ok to go out sometimes without your child(ren).  It's probably even good your your mental state.  But, sadly, I know people who seem to have forgotten that children aren't young forever.  Eventually they grow up and (as teenagers) want to have nothing to do with you.  If you work 40+ hours a week, and then party every weekend, your child is basically being raised by school (or daycare) and babysitters.  Bottom line?  If you allow yourself to get pregnant and have a baby, that baby deserves to have a real parent who actually parents them, rather than farming out to anyone available so as not to have to give up their social life.

4: Downers:
Everyone has bad days.  Sometimes, people even have bad weeks, or months.  We've all been there.  However, even though sites like MySpace, FaceBook, and Twitter all give an outlet to express your misery, that doesn't mean that anyone wants to read it all the time.  Having a bad day?  Well, post about it, and your friends will be supportive.  BUT, if every time you post you are miserable, or pissed off, or sad and you're posting your misery several times a day, maybe -- just maybe -- you should get your miserable, pissed off, sad ass off FaceBook/MySpace/Twitter and go be proactive in improving your situation.  Perhaps it is even possible that the blame you place on others is misdirected; maybe some of it is your fault, and not the fault of your children/neighbors/family/husband/friends.  Misery loves company, and I do NOT care to share in your misery if I know that it is either self-induced or self-perpetuated.

5: Personal Playlists on FB:
If you discover a really awesome new song or music video and you want to share it with the world, that's awesome!  If you discover 15+ songs daily, and want to share them ALL with the world, or if you "need" to post a YouTube link to every song you listen to while you clean your house.....well, I get sick of that pretty quick, and you end up hidden from my news please don't complain if I don't comment on the newest pictures of your child/vacation/car/furniture.  Because you annoyed me with a million music links (most of which I probably didn't like), I no longer see any of your updates.

6: Apps on Social Networking Sites:
Don't bother me much, because they are easily hidden from common view.  But please don't invite me to join them.  I don't want a virtual farm, fish, pet, amusement park, or restaurant, and I do not want to join your Mafia.  Thank you.

7: Living Commercials:
Do you sell Avon, Mary Kay, Tupperware, Candles, or some other special something?  Do you own a business?  Cool!  But, if your every status post sounds like a commercial (they're always only about "your" business), then I have likely hidden you from my common view as well, and you should heed my message to the music nuts listed above in Item #5.

8: Parents who do not dress children appropriately:
If you are a parent, it is YOUR responsibility to dress your children appropriately.  Why do people think it is ok to haul babies to the store wearing only diapers?  Would YOU want to be taken out in your underwear?  Sure, you may think your baby doesn't know the difference.  But babies spend nearly all of their time observing what their parents do, and it's the primary way they learn how to act.  If you have a young child, don't haul them out to Walmart or wherever in nothing but a swimsuit.  Yes, it's summer.....a pedophiles favorite time of year.  And, most importantly, put some damn shoes on your children!  Pavement and asphalt are HOT in the summer time, not to mention that most public parking lots are littered with food srcaps, gum, nails, screws, broken glass, shards of metal, and human wastes like urine and vomit.  I don't care how nice the weather is, or how much your children might protest, it is a parent's responsibility to PROTECT your children's feet from all the nasty things ON the ground, as well as the heat emanating FROM the ground during these hot summer months.

9: Potheads & Social Alcoholism:
If you cannot enjoy yourself without having a drink, you might be a social alcoholic.  If you are, and even if you're not, please understand that I'm absolutely not interested in hearing the wild tales of your drunken nights "last weekend."  Maybe this was kinda cool when we were all 19-22.  But, after that, it's time to grow up.  Having a drink after work is great.....but the alcohol should always remain an option rather than a necessity.

I also cannot believe I actually know people my age who still smoke pot!  Seriously?  Yes, it's a well-known fact among those who know me that I think marijuana should be legalized and regulated either for medical use, or in a manner similar to tobacco & alcohol.  However, I do not think this because I want to be able to use it.  In fact, it's because places in the world where it HAS been legalized in this manner have LOWER rates of use than the U.S.  I've never known pot use to be "cool," though I freely admit I wasn't really ever tuned in to what was or wasn't cool as a teenager.  But, really folks, grow up.  Life happens, and it's time to learn to cope without drugs instead of using them to dull your life.  If you ARE a pot smoker, please know this: If you're an addict, I'd be happy to recommend places that could help you end your addiction.  Addict or not, I have absolutely zero respect for potheads.

Well, that's all for the moment.  I'm sure more will be added over the coming months.  In reality, while I know people "guilty" of all the offenses I've listed about, no part of this blog is directed at any one person.  If you think I might be describing's possible.....but I'll never confirm it.

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