Sunday, August 1, 2010

All Growed Up!

Over the past couple of years since I joined Facebook, I've reconnected with people I hadn't seen since middle school (which ended 9 years ago) or middle school (ended 13 years ago) or even elementary school (ended 16 years ago)!  Like me, all of these former classmates of mine are also now adults.  But, especially in the case of people I haven't kept in contact with over the years, this all still seems strange to me.

We're all old enough to buy alcohol now, and at least half of us have children.  Men I haven't seen since they were boys in elementary or middle school now have facial hair!  Some are married, and others (like me) are already divorced.  Some are homeowners, some are teachers, some are medical professionals, some are serving proudly in the military.  Seven of my former schoolmates are now church youth ministers around town and around the country.

Some of these people who were children with me haven't changed much over the years.  Some potheads are still potheads, some of the snobby bitches are still snobby bitches, and some people don't even look much different!  Some are no more mature now than they were when I last saw them in the 4th or 5th grade.

But what surprises me so much more are the people who have changed a LOT!  Some of my classmates who are now youth ministers....well, I could never have imagined that was how they'd end up.  Some of the people who used to be nice aren't anymore, and some of the ones who used to be snobby or mean or rude are now quite nice.  A few of these people didn't end up in jail after all, as we all suspected they might.  Some of the people who everyone thought would change the world.....didn't.

It's amazing to me how Facebook can put a new spin on old acquaintances.  Some people I used to spend time with every day as kids I almost never talk to now, even online.  Others who, during our school days, were nothing more than "that kid who sits in the third row in history class" are now people I chat with nearly every day.  I've made new friends of people I've known for years but never really knew very well at all.

Overall, we've grown into an interesting group of adults, and it's fun getting to know one another all over again.

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