Monday, March 19, 2012

P52, Somewhat: Week 12, "Spring"

Do you ever get the feeling that the inanimate or non-sentient things around you are aware of what's going on in your life, and that they're working either for or against you?  Sure, we may know it's not true,  we as people sometimes can't help but imagine and project human qualities onto nonhuman things.

We get mad at the car when it won't start.  We beg the traffic signals to hurry up when we're running late.  We thank the cool breezes when we're outside on a hot day.  And though we know that none of these actions actually have an effect, many of us continue to do them.  And, as evidenced by the picture to the right—which I snagged from the  Facebook profile of my friend, Sarah C.—some of us even make a preemptive habit of being genuinely polite to some of the objects in our lives.

Personally, I have frequently felt like everything was going right for me lately.  Don't get me wrong, there have been some trying times too, but when things are good, lately, they're very very good.

This week's P52 post topic is "Spring," and Spring is a season which has arrived even earlier than usual in my part of the world.  All over the place, record high temperatures are being recorded.  Kaleb's back into wearing shorts to school nearly every day, and I'm digging the capri pants back out.

And, just in time for me to write a "Spring" post, my rose vine has put out buds.  Yeah, sure, I know the warm weather and sunshine which have followed a very rainy couple of weeks are the primary factor in the sudden growth and flowering of my roses.  I took biology in school too, and we're even learning all about plant cells right now in the science class I work with.

But I enjoy my roses.  Somehow, even though I know next-to-nothing about growing plants, these roses have come back year after year since we moved into this house and replanted this spindly little vine in a flower bed, moving it from its precarious, exposed location by the edge of the road.  Now, because I enjoy these tenacious little flowers, I am choosing to ignore what I know to be accepted scientific fact in favor of believing—for now, at least—that these little red roses are blooming just for me, knowing that I needed a subject for the "Spring" post this week.  Since they've gone out of their way to bloom nearly a full month early so that I could photograph them, I've made sure to take several photos that I am pretty happy with.  Among them....
 "Everything's Coming Up Roses" photos 3-18-2012 by Sarah Getz for P52 Photo-A-Week challenge.

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