Monday, March 26, 2012

P52, Somewhat: Week 13, "Accessory"

This week's post almost had me stumped.  We have been given the topic "Accessory."

Let's face it: I'm totally not a girly-girl.  I don't wear make-up, I don't usually have the most trendy jewelry, and I don't really accessorize much at all.  I do own many little items that would qualify as accessories, but none of them were things that I felt were really all that important to me or things I thought would make a good photograph.  So when I hit that brick wall mental block, I did what any natural lexophile would do: I turned to the dictionary for ideas.

Here is what the dictionary told me:

That single definition lit up many areas of my mind, but it was this part that stood out the most: "Contributing to or aiding an activity or process."

I knew immediately what to photograph for this post.

I have spent more years of my life writing than not writing.  When I was a child, I wrote on paper with a pencil.  As I grew older, I filled notebooks, journals, and diaries full of my thoughts and stories and poems.  I graduated to writing on fine-ruled paper with ink, and spent most of high school writing "teenage" poetry and exchanging notes with friends back and forth all day.

However, even though I have written volumes over the years, most of that writing has never been seen by eyes other than my own.  I simply never had an efficient way to put my writing in front of interested readers.

Now that I'm an adult, my writing has become more confident and experienced.  I can sit down and write about most any topic I choose with relative ease.  Thanks to modern technology, I can publish my writing online to be read by anyone who's interested.  And, now that I have a laptop of my own, I can write anywhere I go and publish it anyplace with an internet connection.  So, this week, I have decided that the most important accessory in my life is my Toshiba laptop.

1 comment:

  1. Splendid idea! I do believe that is your most used and favorite accessory.


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