Thursday, January 19, 2012

Daisy List

All kinds of people compose lists, often called "Bucket Lists," to name all the things they hope to do before they die one day.  I think it can be a useful tool for helping to realize your dreams, analyze your goals, and organize your priorities.  Some items on peoples' lists can be unrealistic, like marrying a bazillionaire or climbing Mt. Everest naked.  But if you realize that you do have some finite limitations, you can compile a list that is both realistic and challenging.  I, however, just don't like the imagery associated with a Bucket List to name all the things one would like to accomplish before they "kick the bucket."  So, in creating my before-I-die list, I have chosen, instead, to use the imagery of "pushing up daisies" and am creating my Daisy List.

Watch Kaleb grow up, finish school (graduate), get a good job, and start a family of his own.  I want to watch him become his own person and have a good life.

Be a published writer.  I'm not saying I need to be internationally famous or sell a gazillion copies of a novel or anything like that.  I just someone else to find enough value in something I have written to think it's worthy of publishing.

Make some income from writing.  Again, I don't need to be rich and famous—although that would be nice, too—but I'd like to be able to make a profit from something I so enjoy doing.  I'd even be ok with that money being generated by my blogging.

Own a brand-new car that I really love.  I know that this sort of goal may be way off in the future, as my current finances can't even understand the concept of being able to afford a car payment.  But I will do this one day.

Purchase and gain proficiency in using a sewing machine.  I'd love to have the skill and knowledge to be able to sit down at a sewing machine and create some of the lovely things I've seen in stores and online.

Discover that I've changed someone's life for the better.  I know that I have had, and currently have, the type of job that gives me the opportunity to make an impact on the lives of others and help being good things to them, but it would be nice to be told that I have done this.

Volunteer with a political campaign, even if it's only locally.  I'd have done this before, but I've never been passionate enough about any candidate to want to give my time to an election effort.

Earn a good enough income that I didn't have to worry about money.  I'm not asking to be wealthy; I just want to have enough money to know that the bills will be paid and we will have what we need.

Become indispensable at work.  I hate being in a situation at work where I could be fired tomorrow and not be missed, where I could be let go and easily replaced.  I want to be the type of employee that bosses keep around because "how would we ever find a replacement for her?"

Be respected and valued for my knowledge on some topic.  I want someone to consider me to be knowledgeable enough that they seek my advice.  I also would like to actually have the knowledge to give good advice to those who ask.

Take Kaleb to Disney World and see the whole place again through his eyes.  We were lucky enough to go several times when I was a child, and I want Kaleb to have the experience too!

Attend a Presidential Inauguration, ideally the inauguration of a President I like and helped vote into office.  It's a history-making moment that occurs every 4 years in this country, and I'd like to be a part of it one day.

Travel to the Washington D.C. area to see some of the famous places.  I'd like to see the Library of Congress, tour the Smithsonian Museums, and visit major governmental buildings like the White House, Congressional buildings, and the Pentagon.

Be the "right" caller to a radio give-away contest to win something I want.  I know this is a matter of luck + "right time, right place," but I think it would be fun to win!

Ok, so maybe my list isn't very long right now.  That's ok.  I'm sure I will think of things to add in the future, and then I'll come back here and plant some more daisies on my list.

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