Saturday, January 28, 2012

The First of Many

Gray hair. Grrrr.
Yesterday, I wore my hair in two braided pigtails which started right behind my ears and hung down in front of my shoulders.  This means that my hair spent more time in my line of sight than normal, and was not held shaped into its natural ringlet curls by any hair products.  While one of my classes was taking a test this morning, I glanced down and something caught my eye.  Right there, half-hidden in the braid down my left shoulder, was a gray hair—or maybe it is white, as many natural redheads never go gray but go white instead; it's hard to tell with just this one hair in the middle of all the darker red ones.  Ugh.

Yes, I know that gray hair is one of those things that happens, but that doesn't mean that I was really prepared for it at the "ripe old age" of 28!  I had thought I might make it all the way to the Big Three-Oh before this issue sprouted.

Pic has been
enhanced to
show that
darn hair. :-)
I've always said that I wouldn't be the kind of person who started dying my hair once the grays started showing up.  And I still stand by that decision.  This gray hair has a name already, although I cannot include its name here because it is the name of my "favorite" student.

This is only the first of many more to come.  Each one will be a part of me, and will reflect a further progression of my age, more life lived.  I can no more stop the appearance of gray hairs than slow the passage of time.  And I can think of so many things more important to me at this moment than continually worrying over whether or not my grays are showing.

So, it has begun.  And it will continue.


  1. bah. You are so epicly awesome that grey/white hair means nothing. You are beautiful intelligent and witty. Worry not.

  2. btw, that is one cute face you're making in that pic

    1. Thanks! I actually took a pic like this one by accident trying to figure out how to use the camera function on my webcam! But, I sort-of liked it for the situation, so I took another...on purpose.

  3. lol, i am with you on this one... it sucks to find them but i also will not dye my hair just to cover up a couple of gray hairs... can't say what i will or will not do when there are a lot of those evil things!!

    1. I have had my hair low-lighted a couple of times before, but not for the purpose of covering anything up. And it's not something I could or would keep up on a regular basis because of the cost. So, as the gray gets here, it's here to stay!

  4. I have too many gray hairs to count. I started getting them in high school. The coloring of my hair is a must in my I am too vain to go completely gray headed at 32.

    1. Maybe I'm just not as concerned because of the greater likelihood for a redhead to go white instead of gray...and that white hair looks pretty darn neat! No guarantee it'll work out that way, of course, but I think it would be neat!

  5. I will tell ya - it does get worse!!! LOL! I used to count them but now there's too many! I haven't colored to cover them yet but I will at some point I'm sure!


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