Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Quick Q&A—Marriage Equality

Q: So, Sarah, you support gay marriage?

A: I support marriage.  While I certainly don't want to do it again myself, lots of people do, and I know of no reason (aside from religious ones) why they shouldn't be allowed to marry.

In short, I think ANY adult should be allowed to legally marry ANY other single (1) consenting adult.  Period.

The sad thing is that anyone needs to have a political opinion concerning who can marry whom!

If anyone can give me a rational reason why this should not be allowed,a reason that is not religion- or faith-based, I'm happy to listen (this does not mean I'm going to change my mind).  Otherwise, mind your own business and keep your noses out of other people's love lives.


  1. Let me play Devils Advocate here....
    You said

    "In short, I think ANY adult should be allowed to legally marry ANY other single (1) consenting adult. Period."

    What about sister wives? They are all consenting adults, so why can't they marry too?

    Seriously though you make a valid point.

    1. My problem with plural marriages is that those people have access to more tax breaks than a single married couple of two. How many dependent spouses would you be allowed to add to your health insurance through a job? How would births of children to multiple wives impact the FMLA?

      I recall having read somewhere that persons in the US living in plural marriages are also more likely to be the victims of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse....I'll have to find the source again before quoting though. Also, many involved in plural marriages are not, in fact, consenting adults. Many are adults pushed into the marriage by coercion or threat of expulsion from a community, which will leave them with no resources to live. Still others are minors given in plural marriage by a parent or guardian for religious or financial reasons.

      I do not believe that minors should be allowed to marry at all, even with parental approval, except in cases of emancipated minors (who are considered adults in the eyes of the law). Minors, these days, are simply not raised in a society that prepares them for the real-life pressures of young marriage. I personally thing that people should choose to wait until their mid-20s to wed, but certainly can see no good to come of children getting married.

  2. i think by single she meant singular... as in 1 person marry one person... not that you marry someone else who is a single consenting adult... and i completely agree sarah... who you love and choose to marry is your decision... no one else has to live with it except you so who cares if you are black white asian gay straight... marry who you love... that is after all what marriage is supposed to be about... making a legal and binding commitment to the person you love!!


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