Tuesday, January 3, 2012

An Introduction to Responsibility

The willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life is the source from which self-respect springs. ~Joan Didion

Imagine the world as it would be if every person took responsibility seriously and was willing to accept responsibility for their every action!  What if there was someone, or even a group of people, who would accept responsibility for each of the world's problems...and who also accepted responsibility for fixing those problems?  Imagine how the crime rates would drop.  Imagine how governments would begin to run smoothly and without corruption.  Imagine how employers would begin to treat all employees fairly and equally and with respect...and those employees would work their hardest, produce their best work, never call in "fake" sick, and respect their bosses and co-workers.  Abuse of all kinds would cease.  All children would have a safe, loving home, and they would respect their parents.  The relationships between teachers and students would grow strong and develop mutual trust.

Business would flourish.
Education would flourish.

Government would flourish.
Families would flourish.

Mankind would flourish.
Our Earth, and all within it, would flourish.

All of this,
thanks to the responsibility of people.

All people, regardless of age or circumstance, engage in irresponsible behaviors at some point in their lives.  Some are guilty of this more often than others.  You have been guilty; the people around you have been guilty; I most certainly have been guilty.  And as we all have been, we are likely to be again.

Our goal, however, should be to make conscious effort to be appropriately responsible always.  Neglect of our responsibilities often has an impact on people other than ourselves.  As humans, we have no choice but to depend upon one another.  Family members depend upon one another; co-workers depend upon the work produced by each other; many people must work collectively for governments to function; people around the world depend on one another, literally, for basic survival.

Many aspects of our lives demand that we learn to be responsible and manage ourselves and our affairs appropriately.  Over the course of this series of posts, I'm going to examine the necessity of responsibility on these various facets of life.

Responsibility Series, January 2012

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