Thursday, February 23, 2012

(9Lo9i9D): 9 Things About Middle Schoolers that Confuse Me

Today's list is a list of 9 things, in no particular order, that I have observed about my middle school students.  These are things that I find absolutely confusing, and I am unable to understand them.
  1. They think it qualifies as "dating" even when they can't drive OR pay on their own.
  2. The boys don't seem to know their proper pant size OR the location of their waists.
  3. The most popular kids at this school are also the one smost likely to end up in jail one day.
  4. Boys think words are worth fighting over.
  5. Girls think boys are worth fighting over.
  6. They wear $100 shoes, but don't bring a pencil to school.
  7. "He was looking at me!" is still a valid reason for anger.
  8. They expect to pass without doing any work.
  9. They don't understand why the staff keeps telling them what to do!

What about teens confuses you?  Were you the same way when you were their age?


  1. True. I hate the baggy pants look on anyone. As for popularity, I constantly wonder what people are thinking when they look up to the idiots, rebels, rude and obnoxious kids... I never did. I was a big nerd in middle school and proud to be one. Intelligence is one of the more important things to be successful. If they don't end up in jail, they'll end up at a low paying job or dropouts. Some popular kids are alright, but most are bad news.

  2. I shake my head at at least 5 of these things on a DAILY BASIS! Especially the "he looked at me" thing.....


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