Friday, February 3, 2012

Enough With the 3-D Junk Already!

I believe that Hollywood has officially run out of new ideas.  No, I'm serious!  Instead of making new movies from new ideas these days, filmmakers are instead spending all of their production dollars to re-make old movies and turn them into 3-D monstrosities.  And on the rare occasions someone does have a new idea, they turn it into 3-D as well to cover up the fact that they're turning bad ideas into movies.  But what is this fascination people have with 3-D?  Is it that people assume that the 3-D movies must be exponentially better simply because the ticket prices are double those of "old fashioned" 2-D movies?

Why do we seem to need EVERYTHING to be 3-D?  It's not just the occasional novelty movie anymore!  Lately, it seems like nearly a third of new movies are being made in 3-D, and that's not counting the movies that everyone from Steven Spielberg to Disney is re-making into a 3-D format.  Add to that the books, magazines, and posters being printed in 3-D and the craze begins to grow to ridiculous proportions.  They are also making hand-held video games in 3-D (although for the stupid amount of money you pay, they recommend that you only use the 3-D feature for a maximum of 15 minutes at a time).  And if all that weren't enough, you can now buy a 3-D television for your home and use it to watch 3-D movies and television shows and play 3-D video games!

Have we all gone 3-D nuts?  Have we all forgotten that we LIVE in 3-D all the time already?  Our world is naturally 3-D!

I don't know about you, but for me the whole reason that television and movies are enjoyable are that they offer your mind the opportunity to spend some time focused on something unreal.  It's like a mini-retreat for your brain.

And 3-D is expensive!  3-D movie tickets can cost twice as much (or more) as tickets for standard movies.  3-D home television sets are expensive and require the additional purchase of battery-operated or rechargeable 3-D glasses for each person who will be watching the shows.  And everyone knows how totally cool you look sitting around in 3-D glasses!

Well, I'm not falling for the 3-D craze.  I will not be going to see any 3-D movies, and I certainly am not going to invest in a 3-D television for my home and all the necessary pairs of "stylish" 3-D glasses and other accessories.

In actuality, I think that this will be a rather short-lived fad.  I think, in the long run, the studios won't end up making enough profit to justify the continued making of 3-D movies and they will return to their previous status as occasional novelties left for the Universal Studios experience.


  1. While I agree that the masses have gone 3D crazy and that way too many movies are being made in 3D there are some movies that I preferred in 3D. I am picky about what I go see in 3D as it does cost a small fortune to go to them but I do enjoy the occasional splurge when the movie is the right one to see in 3D.

  2. I accept your thought about some unwanted 3D movies which normally we even don't prefer to watch. But in some cases, 3D gives you an optimized experience and a virtual reality that is unmatched. Good post, keep it up.


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