Tuesday, February 21, 2012

(9Lo9i9D): 9 Things That Never Fail to Make Me Smile

Today's list is a list of 9 things, in no particular order, that can bring a smile to my face pretty much any time.
  1. Watching Kaleb "read" books to his stuffed animals when he doesn't know I'm watching.
  2. Skype chats with Jack!
  3. Hanging out with good friends like Sharra & Matt, Richelle & Jeromy, or Tom.
  4. Getting through the register and finding out the total is less than I expected.
  5. People riding motorcycles who slow down beside me to wave at or entertain Kaleb.
  6. Watching people in my rear view mirror laughing while reading my bumper stickers.
  7. "You know what, Mommy? I love you!"
  8. Finding forgotten money in a pocket, even though it's rarely more than a dollar.
  9. Getting to sleep past 8a.m. on a weekend morning.

So, what are the things that make you smile?


  1. The wet drooley sound of my 16 month old making kiss noises at me as she toddles up.

  2. The squealing laughter of my baby boy, watching Jeromy play with the boys, good times spent with people like you!!


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