Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Help Father Nathan Feed Pensacola's Poorest

A local Pensacola priest, Father Nathan Monk, has spent a lot of time in the public eye lately after his First Amendment rights were trampled by City Council president Sam Hall at a December 15th City Council meeting.  If you somehow missed that entire incident, the previous sentence contains enough keywords to make Google light up on the subject.

But long before he was demanding speak for his remaining 2 minutes, Father Nathan Monk was hard at work building a mission ministry geared at raising money to feed the poor and homeless of Pensacola.  And in the years his ministry has been operating, he has provided thousands of meals to those in need in our community.

In order to jumpstart the financing for this year's food ministry, Father Nathan is looking for 1,000 people to donate $10 each during the first 10 days of February.  Read his Facebook post:
"Imagine if 1,000 people joined Father Nathan in giving $10 dollars to help feed the poor. 1,000 Strong is a grassroots online campaign to raise $10,000 dollars by February 10th, 2012.
 It's just that simple. We are asking 1,000 people to make a minimum donation of $10 (but you can donate more) to help us reach our goal by the 10th of Feb.! Donate, share, impact!
 FEED THE POOR is a growing community food sharing outreach founded by Father Nathan in the summer of 2005. Since it's inception over 42,000 meals have been shared and countless families have received blankets, clothing, toiletries and emergency shelter and utility assistance."
Yes, I realize the economy is bad.  But most of us can spare $10 to help those less fortunate, and that is all that is being asked of anyone during this fund-raising period.  If 1,000 people each donate $10 between Feb. 1-10, Father Nathan will have a good sum of money to put toward this year's costs of feeding the needy.

To learn more about Father Nathan's ministry,
Click Here.

To make a donation, ► Click Here.

Please share this post with your friends and family, wherever they are, and let's all do our part for those in need in and around the Pensacola area.

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